There's Miracles In Primary--

 So, I have had the chance to witness some blessings and miracles in this -- so far-- short time I've been called as Primary President of our ward.  Before I share them, though, here is some background:

Imagine a woman (me) who owns a business.  It's a small business, and we have survived COVID, and all its complications.  2020 was a struggle, and 2021 was hard, and 2022 as it currently stood.... wasn't easy.  So you can imagine what it felt like being asked, "We'd like to extend a calling as the Primary President to you'.  Yes, I will confess, I laughed.  (I quickly stopped myself, but I definitely laughed in his face).  I had no time.  Literally.  There were family issues.  Health issues.  Just plain surviving day to day issues, trying to keep it all afloat.  

So I definitely am going to extend mercy and understanding to my slightly younger self about the laughter.  

But here's the thing I have learned about callings: certain callings offer certain blessings.  They really do.  And having served as a Primary President before, I can tell you that there is an intensity of the Spirit that is more immense and all encompassing than when I have served as a Primary teacher. 

So, this got me to thinking: is this the Lord's way of placing me in a protective spiritual hug, as it were?  I won't go into all the drama of my life (could write and book, and there would be a high chance of it taking at least 10 to do it even semi-justice), but I had been reaching out to Him for assistance.  Was this really His way of answering?  Maybe it was.

So I said yes.

Officially, I have been Primary President less than 2 weeks.  Since the time I accepted -- closer to a month now--  here is a quick overview of things that have happened.  (I started with the intent that these would be in order, but as more things came to mind, well,   .... they are now a happy jumbled list of blessings)

1. My most experienced co-worker/ employee quit.  Health reasons were stated.  And, remarkably enough, I felt calm. Things were somehow going to work out. 

2. TWO people reached out and applied to work at my business. One has shop experience, centerpieces included, and the other has management and some floral experience, but wants to learn more. 

3. Prompted to hire both ladies who applied.  Both have been life savers so far.

4. Colors for in my shop practically leapt out at me. (Big deal as I have been struggling for over a year)

5. Husband, daughter, youngest son, and nephew painted cooler.  It looks AMAZING. 

6. With only minutes to spare, I went into a thrift store, found a mirror for display, and it got hung up, being the perfect finishing touch to the front display. 

7. Youngest child needed money-- painted another area of shop. He also helped set up the area. I now have a new area for event rentals. 

8. Flat tire on shop van after two new clients booked-- and I got a heads up because one of my co-workers was passing by on the way to school, and texted me.  With the advance warning before leaving, I was able to arrange another ride home.  I was also able to replace not just flat tire, but also the tire with the nail in it (had been there for over a year now-- a miracle it held together this long).

9. Businesses calling in to order for holiday parties--  and some of them new clients!

10. A different old employee cancelled on me last minute to decorate a client's tree-- after requesting that particular day to fit with her schedule.  HOWEVER: one of the new employees was available, and she was great-- even got some of the broken lights working again.  Client so happy, she tipped us all :)  

10.  Daughter joined in helping to decorate a client's tree-- was then inspired/ motivated to help decorate our own home-- so we did.  It looks GOOD.  (Youngest commented that we'd never decorated so much--  and we haven't for many years. ) 

11. Battery died on the van-- but one of the new employees has AAA, and called them.  Did I mention that she and another employee had just delivered BOTH events for that evening?  Yup, I had a feeling to get it all in the van, so we made it work, everything got delivered, and only then did the battery die.  

12.  I got sick-- BUT: with the help of my employees, made it through the week. 

13. My youngest made sure I didn't go and strike an event alone at midnight :)

14. My husband was able to help do deliveries when van battery died, and help deliver arrangements for two churches. (By then I was on cold medicine and not safe to drive)

15. I was able to create something for a member of our Presidency who wasn't doing well, and with hubby driving, got it delivered.  Hubby shared that the same thing had happened to him. She now knows that we 'get it'. 

16. I was able to lean on my councilors for taking over conducting, home visit, etc.  AND they brought me a 'get well' treat!  (I felt super loved after that) :)  :)  :)  

17.  A card from a far away friend arrived to give me some serious care.

18.  Three of us from work were getting the Nativity (it deserves the capital letters) from some upper storage, but we were getting exhausted.  The back window was open, and one of the new employees looked over, and said hello to someone from next door.  They knew each other, and I took a bit of courage, stuck my head out, and said, "Hey! You're tall! Could you help us get some things down?"  And he did!  The rest of the items, and then including putting empty boxes back up, too!  Seriously in the nick of time as we had been trying to figure out which pieces were essential, and which we could skip to save our strength.

18. My mother may have called me at 5am, but I was awake already and on my way to market (and she has NEVER called me that early.... but she thanked me for something I had sent to her. Which is rare, as nowadays she only calls me to ask for stuff.)

19.  I woke up at 1:30 am with a sore throat--  but it was at the time husband was physically done being able to help with youngest's school project (yes, one of those), but after sipping some lemon juice, I was able to help him finish it up-- wrapped up at 5am... or so....

20.  I then went to work, and my youngest offered help at shop.... I took him up for it the next day, and asked him to do the windows that hadn't been done yet -- and they look beautiful. 

21. An employee who has been unavailable because she was doing an amazing internship for science, texted me to let me know she was now available to work again, starting this weekend.  This was great, because at this point  I was too sick to go to the next client's house to decorate.  And two of the three others I had scheduled had gotten sick as well.  So she and one of the new employees DID THE WHOLE HOUSE THEMSELVES.  

22.  And to top it off, she came back to the shop afterwards to drop off tools, and helped me deliver the next event. (Which was absolutely great as I had worn serious casual clothes (and mask!) to do the finishing touches on the event pieces, and she was dressed in event black-- so one of us at least looked professional walking into the Marriot!) 

23.  Lilies.  Got them from market, but they just weren't opening.  However, when I came back a few hours before the event to finish the pieces, *6* were open for the 6 centerpieces.  So she and I delivered centerpieces with the lilies, just like the client has requested :)

23. Husband in a car accident. Goes to Chiropractor who recommends getting a lawyer.  He does.  After MRI, results show some crazy damage.  With lawyer in the works, medical treatment is going to be paid from settlement, not immediately now.

24. Was in traffic on way to market.  Called in order, and they gathered everything for me, and it was ready for pickup when I got there :) 

25. Had a lesson at a Relief Society activity about Advent.  An Advent Sunday calendar was handed out as well as materials for projects.  This helped me at my shop -- I was prepared  with the right colors for Advent church orders-- especially good as with Thanksgiving holiday, the new lady for one of the churches didn't call in time to give us the reminder. Thanks to that activity, I was prepared :)  


I am sure I am missing some.  Should I mention the puppies? The presidency meeting that was able to take place during class time, so it didn't have to happen after church? The cold medicine that one of my co-workers brought in (with lemons!)?  The last bowl of soup from the diner?  The pepper tree clippings from my (now former) employee which added just the right touch?  The hug from her was pretty awesome too :)  Oh--!  And the pink poinsettias?  

Perhaps what I find the most beautiful is the feeling of being loved and watched over. I know God is there.  But, He is also here.

Here with me.  

And that means EVERYTHING.
